When I tell people I have a pet bunny their most common question is "why?" and to be honest I don't have definitive answer except for that it made the most sense for my lifestyle.

As a sophomore at Florida State University, I was beginning to feel the burnout of college and felt I needed a furry companion to keep me going. Of course the obvious choices for pets are cats and dogs and I love both of them. My allergy to cats meant they were out of the question for me and the idea of having to take a dog out at 6 am in a college apartment didn't sound very appealing. After spending some time with some friends who are bun moms, I decided that a bunny seemed like a good option for me. After a lot of research and begging my mother, I finally became a bun mom.
I am a big "Adopt, Don't Shop" person. I checked all the shelters in my college town and not one of them had rabbits for adoption so I turned to Craigslist (not proud of it) and found a breeder in my area who had only one bunny left from their litter of 3 month old bunnies (I'll go into depths in a later post about my adoption experience and what i would change about it.)
On February 21, 2020, I brought home my baby Beanie boy and he has been my whole world ever since. It did take a while for me to become his world but we are getting there. Its been about 3 months since I got Bean but it feels like a lifetime. I can't wait to share more about my life with my bun.